HXLS Charity

Help Extend Life Safely with total wellness.

Nourish your Body with Natural Plant Food;

Cherish your Soul with His Love and Grace;

Foster your Body / Soul with Divine Health!

Multiple USPTO Cancer Remedy Patents;

Donate Remedy to UN Upon FDA Approval;

GuideStar 2024 Platinum Transparency Seal!

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HXLS  focuses its activities in chronic diseases such as cancer. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. The disease accounted for nearly 10 million deaths according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The main types of cancer deaths each year are lung, colon, liver, stomach, and breast. American Cancer Society statistics indicated that male now have one in two chances while female one in three chances of getting cancer before the end of its life. Today's treatment for cancer such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and drugs all possess significant adverse side effects. Therefore, HXLS goal is to perform scientific research to develop and support the most advanced methods and technologies to prevent/avoid, treat/remedy, and rehabilitate/recover of cancer and chronic diseases.  This includes study the effects of natural plant food as complementary and/or alternative to improve the quality of life and/or relief the suffering of the cancer patients with reduced side effect; total wellness methods for a balanced physical and emotional life style; as well as the most efficient medical devices utilizing the most advanced technologies for the long term care of cancer and chronic disease patients.

About 30% of the cancer in low/middle income countries are caused by infections, such as hepatitis and human papilloma virus (HPV), and stress in well developed countries, majority of cancer are due to mutations of healthy cells. Around one third of the cancer deaths are due to the five leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use. Hence, HXLS also expanded its goal from natural food (dietary) research to natural cancer healing alternatives, such as emotional and behavioral methods, as outlined by the World Health Organization's eight elements of total wellness. Medical Journals documented many cases of alternative cancer treatment, such as replacing one's stressful job for an extended world cruise; trade-in one's for-profit career to volunteer with non-profit; discovering one's faith in religion, and exchanging one's fast paced lifestyle with spiritual calming ways like yoga, dao, or medical taiji.  United Nation's World Health Organization summarized these as the eight dimensions of a balanced life of Total Wellness, physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental.


HXLS focuses its activities in chronic diseases such as cancer, following the standard medical care of diagnosis, research, and treatment.

We freely donate our cancer drug to the World Health Organization of the United Nations upon FDA approval.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine, researchers from John Hopkins found  the average total cost of Clinical trials that support FDA approvals of a new drug, which in recent years has been estimated at between $2 to $3 billion.


HXLS volunteers have been examining natural plants that can help patients who are diagnosed with the leading types of cancer such as breast, lung, colon, prostate, skin, stomach, and liver. Our research includes cancer applications in the public domain, such as medical researches journals, reviews,  and trials from medical practitioners. Once the herbs that could tonify the body's deficiencies and supplement its resistance against cancer are identified, the next phase of the research is to evaluate possible combination (formula) of these plants that would maximize body's ability to cope with cancer. The key criteria of this phase of research are to identify those plant formulas that exhibit consistent effect in terms of quality of life improvements, and/or reduce the suffering of cancer patients. Since it is important that the same scientific evaluation that is used to assess conventional approaches be used to evaluate these natural formulas, this is the phase where HXLS needs to leverage the expertise of those organizations who are experienced in developing and validating conventional cancer approaches.  HXLS also discovering and designing medical devices that helps to monitor the well being of potential, existing, and recovering patients.


Since there are thousands of natural herbal plants worldwide, HXLS have narrowed its initial research on plants that has been used in Asia for thousands of years as listed in one of the oldest known book on agriculture and medicinal plants, the Shennng Ben Cao Jing (SBCJ), or the Shennong's Materia Medica dated around 2800 BC.  Based on its effects and toxicity, the SBCJ divided medicinal plants into three classes: superior, common and inferior; superior plants are nontoxic and tonic, ideal for long-term administration to treat diseases, tonify body; and prolong life; common plants are nontoxic or low toxic, which have the dual action of tonifying the body and dispelling pathogens, but cannot be administered on a long-term basis; inferior plants are mainly used for expelling pathogens as many of them are toxic or fierce in effect, so over-dosage and prolonged administration are forbidden.  Since one of HXLS goals is to identify natural foods with reduced side effects, it will focus its main research in SBCJ's superior and common (SC) class of plant food, and forego the inferior plants. In addition, HXLS also perform research methods and devices to relief patients' physical, psycho-social, and spiritual sufferings as wells ways to improve their quality of life and palliative care.


HXLS partnered with world renowned institute for initial discovery of  its patented formula with in vitro and in vivo results, and are now transition from discovery to pre-clinical trial before the submission of Investigation New Drug (IND). Depending on the level of donations received, HXLS will provide these donations as a grant to multiple organizations to validate the plant formula's effect on cancer. HXLS will grant to the organization with proven cancer research success in behavioral, spiritual, or dietary methods, following the protocols of conventional approaches established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  The organization could be either a government sponsored organization, such as National Cancer Institute, or non-government contract research organization with proven FDA success like ITRI, or IRS approved non-profit.  Since all these alternatives are composed of natural means, HXLS plans to donate all these findings to the WHO upon the validation of its positive effects on cancer, so it can be used by cancer patients worldwide to nourish one's body with natural food, cherish one's soul with His love and grace, and foster one's body / soul with divine health!


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